You Can Make it!
Dear friends,

When Sandra and I sit down to reflect on  how we ever made it this far by the grace of God, we are nothing short of amazed. It creates a sense of gratitude in our hearts. We can tell that God is good and His mercies endures forever.

The very nature of our journey so far reveals that whenever people really know what they want and why they want it, they can figure out how to get it. Many people do not get so much out of life because they  do not know what they want in life and why they really want it.

The three forces that drives fulfillment and attainment is mission, motivation, and strategy.

Mark 16:14-20 teaches that our Lord Jesus Christ commanded His church to go into the world and preach the gospel. This is our mission, but what is the motivation?

That all men will be saved and come to the saving knowledge of the Lord. We know that we are sent to preach the gospel that the world might be saved and we will recieve rewards both in this life and in the world to come. We know that we are not labouring for nothing. We have rewards in heaven. We know that God is faithful to reward us as we labour in His vineyard.

Many people do not get what they want in life because of these two reasons. We must know what we want and why we really want it, then we can figure out how to get it.

When the Lord told the church to go, He left them to figure out how. He said “go!”, and they went preaching everywhere; and the Lord was with them. We must figure out how!

I want souls, saved and preserved for heaven. I want souls because I will recieve eternal rewards for everyone I win for the kingdom. I therefore spend my days and moments to figuring out creative ways to win more souls.

What do you spend your days and moments on? Don’t just spend your life running around. Discover what you want and why you really want it, then spend the rest of your time figuring out how to get it. Press on and press in. You can make it when you press on and press in. God will show you which way to go.

Let us keep pressing on and in together in this harvest. We appreciate the time you spend and the resources you commit weekly to this ministry. Your labour will never be in vain. You will make it and God will take you far.

Sandra and I want you to know how much we love you.

Let;s keep pressing in.


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